Getting Started

To use tsnet in a project, open a Python console and import the package:

import tsnet

Simple example

A simple example, is included in the examples folder. This example demonstrates how to:

  • Import tsnet
  • Generate a transient model
  • Set wave speed
  • Set time step and simulation period
  • Perform initial condition calculation
  • Define valve closure rule
  • Run transient simulation and save results to .obj file
  • Plot simulation results
# Open an example network and create a transient model
tm ='/Users/luxing/Code/TSNet/examples/networks/Tnet1.inp')

# Set wavespeed
tm.set_wavespeed(1200.) # m/s

# Set time options
tf = 20   # simulation period [s]

# Set valve closure
ts = 5 # valve closure start time [s]
tc = 1 # valve closure period [s]
se = 0 # end open percentage [s]
m = 2 # closure constant [dimensionless]

# Initialize steady state simulation
tm = tsnet.simulation.Initializer(tm,t0)

# Transient simulation
tm = tsnet.simulation.MOCSimulator(tm)

# report results
node = ['N2','N3']

Three additional EPANET INP files and example files are also included in the TSNet examples repository in the examples folder. Example networks range from a simple 8-node network to a 126-node network.