Source code for

The figure out the topology, i.e.,
upstream and downstream adjacent links for each pipe, and
store the information in lists.

import wntr

[docs]def topology(wn): """Figure out the topology of the network Parameters ---------- wn : .inp file used for EPAnet simulation npipe : integer Number of pipes Returns ------- links1 : list The id of adjacent pipe on the start node. The sign represents the direction of the pipe. + : flowing into the junction - : flowing out from the junction links2 : list The id of adjacent pipe on the end node. The sign represents the direction of the pipe. + : flowing into the junction - : flowing out from the junction utype : list The type of the upstream adjacent links. If the link is not pipe, the name of that link will also be included. If there is no upstream link, the type of the start node will be recorded. dtype : list The type of the downstream adjacent links. If the link is not pipe, the name of that link will also be included. If there is no downstream link, the type of the end node will be recorded. """ npipe = wn.num_pipes length = wn.query_link_attribute('length') if wntr.__version__>= '0.2.2': G = wn.get_graph(link_weight = length) else: G = wn.get_graph() G.weight_graph(link_attribute = length) # add 'id' attribute to networkx links i =1 for ln, link in wn.links(): G.edges[link.start_node_name,link.end_node_name, ln]['id'] = i i+=1 # allocate the parameters links1 = [0] * len(wn.links) links2 = [0] * len(wn.links) utype = [('Pipe',0)] * npipe dtype = [('Pipe',0)] * npipe # Adjcant pipes for each pipe IN:+; OUT:- for _, link in wn.links(): pn = links1[int(pn)-1] = [int(p['id']) for _, attr in G.pred[link.start_node_name].items() for _,p in attr.items() if p['id'] != pn] for _, attr in G.succ[link.start_node_name].items() : for _,p in attr.items(): if p['id'] != pn: links1[int(pn)-1].append(-1* int(p['id'])) # right (end) adjcant pipes links2[int(pn)-1] = [int(p['id']) for _, attr in G.pred[link.end_node_name].items() for _,p in attr.items() if p['id'] != pn] for _, attr in G.succ[link.end_node_name].items(): for _,p in attr.items(): if p['id'] != pn: links2[int(pn)-1].append(-1*int(p['id'])) #figure out downstream type and upstream type for _,pipe in wn.pipes(): pn = if links1[pn] : if max(map(abs, links1[pn])) > npipe: utype[pn] = [(l.link_type, for _,l in wn.links() if == abs(links1[pn][0])][0] if links1[abs(links1[pn][0])-1] and links2[abs(links1[pn][0])-1]: links1[pn] = [i for i in [links1[abs(links1[pn][0])-1], links2[abs(links1[pn][0])-1]] if abs(i[0]) -1 != pn][0] else: links1[pn] = ['End'] else: utype[pn] = (wn.nodes[pipe.start_node_name].transient_node_type, wn.nodes[pipe.start_node_name]) if links2[pn] : if max(map(abs, links2[pn])) > npipe: dtype[pn] = [(l.link_type, for _,l in wn.links() if == abs(links2[pn][0])][0] if links1[abs(links2[pn][0])-1] and links2[abs(links2[pn][0])-1]: links2[pn] = [i for i in [links1[abs(links2[pn][0])-1], links2[abs(links2[pn][0])-1]] if abs(i[0]) -1 != pn][0] else: links2[pn] = ['End'] else: dtype[pn] = (wn.nodes[pipe.end_node_name].transient_node_type, wn.nodes[pipe.end_node_name]) return links1, links2, utype, dtype